When God Surprises Us With What We Didn’t Know We Needed – My Interview with KJ Lynn

I love when God moves people forward. It is the heart of our mission here at Kim Maas Ministries, aka KMM. I have been privileged to often receive feedback or testimonies from KMM’s various ministry programs. It is my honor to share one such testimony with you.  The glory goes to Jesus.

Meet my friend, KJ Lynn – wife, mother to three young boys, and a probation officer in Lincolnshire, England. While she currently serves in ministry at her local church, she recently stepped down as Associate Leader of a Supernatural Ministry School in England to focus on other ministry opportunities.

I first met KJ in 2022 when she brought a team from the supernatural school on a Global Awakening mission trip to Brazil that I was leading. She joined my team to Brazil again in the spring of 2023. God’s anointing and His call on her life were evident. I knew I needed to extend her an invitation to attend my Green Room Intensive (GRI) in the Fall. Currently hosted twice a year, the KMM GRI is a five-day, retreat-style, spiritual intensive, specifically geared to women leaders throughout the world. These leaders of all ages are invited into this GRI experience to be resourced, empowered, encouraged, filled, receive ministry and connect with other leaders in a safe place. The time leaders spend immersed in the care of the KMM team, alongside other leaders, births new life-giving friendships and fresh vision for what God has called them to.

I recently chatted with KJ and she shared what the GRI did for her.

DR. KIM: KJ, did you have any expectations going into the GRI? What were you hoping to receive?

KJ: I really didn’t know what to expect, but in my heart of hearts, I had said to Jesus that I yearned to be woven into a tribe of believers who I could journey life with, vulnerably and authentically – women who would lift me up higher and call out the gold as well as challenge me to go deeper. 

DR. KIM: What surprised you about the GRI?

KJ: I was so surprised and as I look back on my experience, I don’t know why I was surprised because God never fails. Not only did He bring me this tribe of women who are now my friends and family, but God propelled me into my calling when you, Dr. Kim, called me and commissioned me into the office of a prophet.  God helped me to identify some barriers that had held me back. I struggled with needing people’s validation, which was my shadow mission, and God revealed some things to me that I needed to work through. Kim, you helped me to ‘find my muchness’ and now I am just learning how to steward that well.

The whole KMM leadership team was comprised of amazing women leaders who were vulnerable and authentic with us. It felt like we were in the secret place – a Holy place with God and each other. I knew that when we left that place, none of us would leave the same way we arrived. I remember feeling a huge sense of imposter syndrome when I arrived and met such amazing women. There were pastors, theology professors, and international speakers. Then there was me, KJ from Lincolnshire. But when I left, I held a new sense of identity, a changed mindset, a new family. My vulnerability was met with mutual vulnerability and raw emotion. I don’t want to say too much, but those who have a chance to go, will know what I mean! Kim, the way you and the KMM team leaders loved on me and the others, prayed for us, prophesied over us, encouraged and empowered us is supernaturally healing. It is just beautiful. That’s all I will say so I don’t spoil it for anyone who attends.

Dr. Kim: What did God do? Where are you today because of this ministry?

KJ: God is equipping me in this time for a new season ahead. I am currently undertaking the Raising Prophets School with Emma Stark, a global prophet who is part of the British Isles Council of Prophets. I serve at my home church, whether that’s on the prayer team, sharing or preaching. I also now serve this ministry. I am quite excited for the KMM Missions trip in the UK in October this year! I can’t wait to see how God moves as our team loves big, prays big, expects big and allows the Holy Spirit to lead the way and move big! Exciting times are ahead.

DR. KIM: Can you share any parting words of wisdom?

KJ: Just remember your destiny is not based on what’s in front of you, it’s Who’s inside of you, and with God anything is possible! It was cathartic being reminded of how much God has done since you put your arms around me, Dr. Kim. I am so thankful for the KMM ministry to empower, equip, encourage, and mobilize women leaders into the fullness of God’s call on our lives. One important God-thing I want to share is that I was able to attend the GRI in Missouri, USA, because I received a partial scholarship, only made possible because of the generous support of those who sow faithfully into this ministry. I was so thankful and had no knowledge as to just how significant attending the GRI would be.

Thank you for sharing your heart and testimony, KJ. All of us at KMM are deeply thankful for the way God met you at the GRI.

If you want to learn more about Kim Maas Ministries and how you can be a part of the ministry programs to help move women forward in God’s call on their lives, please visit kimmaas.com.